Business Tips

The Impact of Global Supply Chain Shortages on Manufacturing and How to Mitigate It

Supply Chain Shortages

Manufacturers nationwide continue to grapple with a challenging supply chain environment, leading to disruptions in their operations. Some businesses face throttling, intensifying manufacturing difficulties, primarily stemming from supply chain issues.

While various factors contribute to these challenges, manufacturers often feel powerless in improving their supply chain operations. Despite the hurdles, there are ways to enhance operations amidst supply chain challenges.

A major complication faced by manufacturers is the lack of supply chain visibility. Without a clear and comprehensive map of the supply chain, resilience in operations becomes uncertain. Establishing a detailed overview of the supply chain helps identify potential disruption risks and enables the development of backup plans to minimize long-term delays.

Similarly, embracing new technologies plays a crucial role in mitigating such risks and enhancing visibility. While maintaining existing technologies is important, adjusting any warehouse to improve its efficiency, such as through new crane installation, might be just what a business needs.

Another essential aspect is fostering a network to meet manufacturing needs. Building enduring relationships with suppliers allows manufacturers to anticipate their capabilities or limitations in meeting requirements and remain proactive. Strong relationships facilitate clear communication lines, a vital component for manufacturing companies navigating today’s challenging climate.

In the current landscape, it is imperative for manufacturing companies to consistently address the unique needs of their organizations.

For more insights on how to navigate these challenges, refer to the accompanying infographic supporting this post.

Supply Chain Shortages & Its Impact On Manufacturing, an infographic contributed by American Equipment

Author Bio: Annette Harris has been with American Equipment for 23 years and in the industry for over 40. Her roles include Service Manager, Outside Service Sales and — most currently — Head of Sales Operations for American Equipment. She has a passion for service in the industry and loves to discover customers’ needs and find a solution for them.

Technology for Good: How Nonprofits Utilize Tech to Amplify Their Reach

How Nonprofits Utilize Tech to Amplify Their Reach

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, technology has become an essential tool for driving positive change in the world. Nonprofit organizations, fueled by their missions to make a difference, have embraced technology to amplify their reach and enhance their impact. From streamlining operations to expanding fundraising efforts, technology has revolutionized the way nonprofits function and engage with their audiences.

What technology is used in nonprofit organizations?

Nonprofit organizations leverage a wide array of technologies to achieve their goals effectively. Some common technologies used by nonprofits include:

  1. Social Media and Digital Marketing: Social media platforms enable nonprofits to reach a broader audience, spread awareness, and engage with supporters in real-time. Digital marketing tools allow nonprofits to create compelling campaigns that resonate with their target audience.
  2. Cloud Computing and Collaboration Tools: Cloud-based solutions facilitate seamless data storage, access, and collaboration among team members and volunteers, regardless of their physical locations.
  3. Online Fundraising Platforms: Nonprofits now have access to various online fundraising platforms that make it easier for them to collect donations securely and efficiently.
  4. Data Analytics and Metrics Tracking: Nonprofits utilize data analytics tools to gain insights into their operations, measure the impact of their initiatives, and make data-driven decisions.
  5. Mobile Applications: Mobile apps enable nonprofits to engage with their supporters on-the-go, provide real-time updates, and offer convenient ways to donate or participate in campaigns.
  6. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): VR and AR technologies have been increasingly adopted by nonprofits to create immersive experiences that showcase their work and inspire empathy and support.

Why is technology important in a nonprofit organization?

Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency, visibility, and impact of nonprofit organizations. Here’s why technology is crucial:

  1. Amplifying Reach: Technology enables nonprofits to reach a global audience and connect with supporters who might not have been reachable through traditional means.
  2. Streamlining Operations: By automating processes and using digital tools, nonprofits can streamline their administrative tasks, allowing them to focus more on their core mission.
  3. Enhancing Communication: Technology facilitates seamless communication between nonprofits, their stakeholders, and the communities they serve, fostering transparency and trust.
  4. Improving Fundraising Efforts: Online fundraising platforms and social media campaigns have revolutionized the way nonprofits raise funds, making the process more accessible and efficient.
  5. Measuring Impact: Technology provides robust data analytics and metrics tracking, allowing nonprofits to measure the effectiveness of their initiatives and make data-driven improvements.

How technology has changed fundraising?

The advent of technology has revolutionized fundraising for nonprofits in numerous ways:

  1. Online Donation Platforms: Nonprofits now have access to secure and user-friendly online donation platforms, making it easier for supporters to contribute from the comfort of their homes.
  2. Crowdfunding: Technology has facilitated the rise of crowdfunding platforms, enabling nonprofits to launch specific campaigns and garner support from a large pool of donors.
  3. Social Media Fundraising: Nonprofits can leverage the power of social media to create compelling fundraising campaigns, reaching a wider audience and encouraging more significant participation.
  4. Recurring Donations: Technology allows nonprofits to set up recurring donation options, providing a predictable and sustainable stream of funding.
  5. Data-Driven Fundraising Strategies: Nonprofits can utilize data analytics to identify donor trends, preferences, and behaviors, enabling them to tailor their fundraising strategies for optimal results.

What are the three commonly used metrics to measure nonprofit efficiency?

Measuring efficiency is crucial for nonprofits to ensure that they are making the most of their resources and delivering maximum impact. Three commonly used metrics include:

  1. Overhead Ratio: The overhead ratio measures the percentage of an organization’s expenses that go toward administrative and fundraising costs. A lower overhead ratio indicates that more funds are directed towards the organization’s programs and services.
  2. Program Expense Ratio: This metric calculates the percentage of total expenses dedicated to the nonprofit’s core programs and initiatives. A higher program expense ratio demonstrates that the organization is channeling a significant portion of its resources directly into its mission.
  3. Impact Measurement: Impact measurement involves quantifying the tangible outcomes and effects of a nonprofit’s initiatives. It helps assess how effectively the organization is achieving its mission and making a positive difference in the lives of those it serves.


In the digital age, technology has emerged as a powerful ally for nonprofit organizations seeking to create a positive impact on society. By leveraging various technologies, nonprofits can amplify their reach, streamline operations, and revolutionize their fundraising efforts. Moreover, the ability to measure efficiency through data analytics empowers nonprofits to optimize their strategies continually and make a real difference in the communities they serve. Embracing technology for good, these organizations are poised to change the world for the better, one digital innovation at a time.

Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Freelancer vs. A Full-Time Employee

Freelancing has seen a significant rise over the last decade. In 2020, more than 59 million people were freelancing in the United States. With the upsurge of talent available in the “gig economy,” companies are finding hardworking professionals whose position allows them to moderate their hiring budget and beyond. Here is a brief look at what to expect when hiring a freelancer over a full-time employee.

Businesses large and small rely on freelancers every day. The need is varied, whether it’s for help completing projects to meet deadlines, outsourcing important but short-term tasks such as designing a logo, writing copy or performing financial analysis. Companies do so mainly to cut costs but to gain other benefits as well.

Hiring A Freelancer vs. A Full-Time Employee

A recent study revealed 40% of organizations reported that hiring highly skilled freelancers helped to boost productivity, improve speed to market and increase innovation within their company. The also see a decrease in the associated risks of employment when opting for independent contractors and the like.

What might make hiring a freelancer generally more cost effective than hiring a full-time employee? Even at a higher hourly rate, employers may anticipate saving 20% to 30% annually with a freelancer. Typically, this is due to the fact the employer does not have to pay for health insurance, retirement and other benefits.

Taxes are also a significant factor because Medicare and Social Security are not paid by the employer. That’s not to say there is no tax responsibility. While freelancers pay their own self-employment tax, employers must provide them with the appropriate tax forms. Managing such complicated matters could be better handled when an organization outsources tax form reporting.

Another aspect to keep in mind is a potential difference in working hours. Freelancers manage their own time and may not follow the business hours of the client for which they work. They may not even be in the same time zone. This may make coordination and communication more difficult than what is expected with a full-time employee.

The increase of available freelancers has been a win-win from both sides of the desk. There are some drawbacks, however, for both. There is often a lack of relationship building with freelancers along with a personal removal from the success of their clients. Without investment such as this, there may be a lower level of commitment. There may also be issues with inefficient time management, communication and similar factors resulting in higher costs in the long run.

Choosing who to hire depends on the short- and long-term goals of the business as well as the landscape of the workplace. As increasingly more individuals seek better benefits or remote work or hybrid arrangements, there could be continued changes to the pros and cons of hiring these two types of workers.

Infographic provided by Tab Service Company